VR Headsets now on sale in Dunnes Stores #VR #VirtualReality #Ireland

VR is the in thing this year and with more options available to the consumer and getting cheaper too,though its fair to say you get what you pay for..

If you dont fancy shedding out hundreds of your hard earned euros to experience VR you can get it cheap,options such as Google cardboard is one way to test it out but its limited compared to the next best reasonably priced Samsung Gear VR..

Dunnes Stores are now on the bandwagon selling a VR Headset for €29.99 This is not a well know name and there is multiple offerings of similar available on the web and some similar to this only with a different name.. You will not get the same feeling of immersion here as you would with options like Gear VR or HTC Vive but for the money its worth a shot and will give an idea,For now content still lacks too but that will change in the coming months.Also worth noting is that these are not device specific and cover a wide range of phones too.


VR Vision Virtual Reality Headset

Enjoy 3D movies and games from the comfort of your home with the VR Vision virtual reality headset. Designed and padded for comfort, simply slot in your smartphone to enter a world of virtual reality. A futuristic experience that guarantees fun for all the family.

Size and Fit

  • Suitable for most smartphones between 4.7 to 6 inches (11.9 to 15.2cm)


  • To avoid eye strain, do not use for more than 2 hours at a time
  • Headphone jacks included for audio
  • Adjustable straps for a comfortable fit


You can pick them up HERE   if you have tried them out let us know.