GravaStar Mars Pro bluetooth speaker techbuzzireland

Tech Review – GravaStar Mars Pro bluetooth speaker

Here on techbuzz we review lots of speakers that come in all shapes and sizes however the theme is pretty much the same which is just a standard square or circular type speaker just plain run of the mill stuff, this speaker however is different and by that I mean the design the shape the build quality and there is some RGB lights thrown into the mix too and not only that it has legs that change position.

OK the legs changing position may not be a huge plus side but in this case it is due to the theme here and overall the speaker looks super cool even as a piece in your room and to look at it first you may not think anymore of it in fairness but upon closer inspection you will see why this is different and then it will become an attraction if you will.

On top you have a volume control slider with a difference too as it uses touch to control it and then three physical buttons to power on/off in which you get a nice audio tune to go along with both which sounds cool and you have a button for pairing and then one for the RGB lights which are placed around the unit, you will see all this demoed in the review along with the audio

Speaking of audio it is bass heavy which suits me fine as I like my bass to be heavy so for some it may not be their cup of tea but again this can be tweaked with EQs on phones today. It does easily cover a large room and sounds cool and it is loud and punchy too so far any music fan it is a must.

The build quality is also excellent too and as the company states Mars Pro’s cutting-edge technology means you can feel the heavy bass at both low and loud volumes. The Bluetooth speaker gives you an ultra-powerful bass that sends vibrations through its sphere and into the room.

They also say – The GravaStar Mars Pro is created for audiophiles. The Bluetooth speaker has built-in, exclusive DSP audio algorithms that gives you a deep bass, accurate mids, and crisp highs. Combined with an equal-loudness contour, you get a powerful sound experience

If that is not enough check out the video review below and check out the range that is on offer which comes in several cool colours too.


Video Link