Data roaming charges set to end in EU by 2017. #Data #Roaming #Sms #Calls

This has been an ongoing mess for some time now and finally we may have it settled which is going to be great news for consumers in the coming years.Everything is not quite final just yet but its good news regardless.

The “Fair Usage Policy” is still present though,this is something which alone is not clear cut here with terms and conditions,the same as the term “Unlimited” both these terms go hand in hand so be careful to read your contracts before purchase..The is an ever increasing pattern of “Bill Shock” still here with people not understanding data limits and what consumes it..


“Net Neutrality” is also a topic at hand in which operators will be treat all traffic the same providing internet access .

This all applies to the EU zone but as to outside the EU there is still not much happening there where the networks make big money if you go over you set limit or purchase a bundled prior arrival.From April charges no more than 5c per minute of outgoing calls, 2c per text and 5c per MB of data this is excluding V.A.T

This has been a slow painful process and another 2 year wait is pretty much a downer for most and it gives the networks plenty of time to think some more and become more competitive,perhaps not…..