ROXi MIc and tv app

Most of us would be familiar or tried a hand a Karaoke in our time and it is a great entertainment platform which you would see lots of on holidays and in pubs and it is a great idea for entertaining the family at home and so on which over the last two years would be a more familiar place to use such equipment but with things now taking a turn it will not be long before Karaoke will be in full swing again in local bars where after a few pints you might get brave and pic up that mic,something I have tried in the past and miserably failed at..

Over the years this has been brought into the home though and it is great for family gatherings and over the Xmas period I tired this out with family and friends none of which wanted to be featured in my video but so be it but there was plenty of fun had with this and passed lots of time. I remember as a kid when Karaoke machines came out and then they got integrated into consoles which is more my scene and again had a dabble at it with the same results and just sat back and watched the rest blast away..

The ROXi system though keeps it simple with no expensive hardware required to get going and now there is a new TV app which we spoke about before here on site. This makes access even easier for everyone and can give you something to do if you are bored and want to liven things up. The MIc itself is easy to use with just two slider buttons and a power key and that is it..

Set Up is simple and only takes minutes with the bundle tested which was a Mic and Amazon Fire stick, If you have a compatible TV you can download the app and a software update is all that was required in my instance and you are good to go straight away, The UI is clean and easy to navigate and similar to YouTube but you can check out the video below for more and what you find in the UI which is easy to use which for me is important and ideal for family use no matter what age they are.

Overall this is an affordable home entertainment package which is great for family and friends and if you are into your music this is a real bonus. There is over 140K songs to pick from and a cool game to guess the track there is also a premium package you can sign up for and you get a free mic, it is little money if this is your thing and we all probably have enough subscriptions right now and while I am here it is a good time to check at what you really need and perhaps save yourself a few quid which I did and cancelled loads and then leave yourself open to spend your money elsewhere and if music is your thing this perhaps could be an option for you and the family.


Video Link


By Jim O Brien/CEO

CEO and expert in transport and Mobile tech. A fan 20 years, mobile consultant, Nokia Mobile expert, Former Nokia/Microsoft VIP,Multiple forum tech supporter with worldwide top ranking,Working in the background on mobile technology, Weekly radio show, Featured on the RTE consumer show, Cavan TV and on TRT WORLD. Award winning Technology reviewer and blogger. Security and logisitcs Professional.

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