If you’re looking to start a membership site, then you might be overwhelmed with all the information out there about how to get started. This article will help guide you through creating your membership website and provide some tips on what it takes. It will discuss everything from choosing a domain name, deciding if it’s suitable for your business needs, and setting up an account on WordPress.


1. Get a Domain Name

Securing a domain name is the first step in building a membership site. First, you need to decide whether or not you want your domain name (ex: my-domain.com) or if you’re going to use a free web hosting provider like WordPress. So think about this before registering your domain name because it can be difficult and expensive to change after registration!

Domain names are typically registered for one year at a time. That’s why you are advised to do some research on what kind of pricing plans each company offers so that when the renewal date approaches, you don’t pay more than necessary. Some websites offer discounts if paid annually rather than monthly, while others charge an extra fee per month for the past twelve months.

2. Choose your Niche

Many niches can be found on membership sites. For example, online yoga courses on different topics, like Yoga for Beginners or Gentle Yoga. If you aren’t sure where to start, it’s easier to get learning today on how you can find a profitable niche. The best option depends on how much time and effort you’re willing to invest in this endeavor from day one.

The best way to start is by asking yourself what you want your membership site to be about or for whom it will serve. Do you want a course on blogging? A course on finance basics? All of these topics can work well in the form of an informative membership-driven website.

3. Decide on a Pricing Plan and Structure

A membership site should include a plan and structure that helps you know what your memberships will cost, how much content they’ll have access to, and when the pricing plans are renewed.

A membership site should also be personalized for each member so all of them can get their money’s worth out of it.


4. Create Content for the Membership Site


Content is everything in a membership site. It’s what differentiates the members from your other visitors, and it’s why they’ve chosen to pay you for content rather than just reading free stuff elsewhere on the internet. Quality content takes up most of the space in any website and is also one of its key features, making it stand out from similar websites that offer content.

An excellent way to start would be by looking at articles related to “how-to” topics such as cooking or car maintenance so you can give people something practical for them right away.


5. Set up an Email List 

Keeping tabs with your audience is crucial, even if you have a small email list. There are many ways to do this, and you must find the one that suits your business needs best.

The first step is setting up an opt-in form on your website or blog so people can subscribe to be notified of any new content published in the future without having to check back frequently.

If your audience includes businesses, how about creating a mailing list? That way, they’ll receive information on industry updates explicitly related to them from time to time – just like when their favorite store sends out its latest coupons via mail!

Another option would be for those interested in what’s happening with your company, but not necessarily as frequent subscribers themselves could become members of a Facebook group. They’ll receive updates from you and have easy access to your content as it’s published on Facebook, but still not be bothered by other posts in their timeline too often.

6. Promote

Like any other site, you’ll need to promote your membership site.

Promote it on social media, blog about the benefits of joining a membership site in your niche, and link back to your website. When talking about these things online, create quality content that solves problems for people looking for solutions right now!


This article discusses all the details you need to get started with your membership site. Whether you want a place for customers to access exclusive content, offer services or sell products- now is the time to make it happen! It can be overwhelming and intimidating at first, but with the tips shared in this article- you’ll have all the information and resources needed to build your membership site.

By Jim O Brien/CEO

CEO and expert in transport and Mobile tech. A fan 20 years, mobile consultant, Nokia Mobile expert, Former Nokia/Microsoft VIP,Multiple forum tech supporter with worldwide top ranking,Working in the background on mobile technology, Weekly radio show, Featured on the RTE consumer show, Cavan TV and on TRT WORLD. Award winning Technology reviewer and blogger. Security and logisitcs Professional.

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