6 Important Tips On Why You Need A Managed Service Provider

Even if you are a single-man business or you are an individual service provider you can benefit a lot from having a dedicated IT support provider. A managed IT support company does everything you would expect from a full in-house IT department, without the headache of having to manage such a large team, and without the expense of hiring professionals in-house.

Whatever kind of business you are in, you are definitely using some form of technology. Whether that is for internal processes, marketing, accounting, or client communication, even at a basic level your digital infrastructure needs support and maintenance.

Most business owners are not experts in IT, so even though they are using technology, they aren’t necessarily getting the most out of it. Plus, while they can manage things on their own while the business is small, things can get very complicated when you start to scale up. Here are some powerful reasons as to why you should consider a managed service provider for your business today.


1.  Free Up Resources

As a small business owner, you are either managing IT-related matters on your own or it is a group effort in which everyone does what they can to keep the digital infrastructure going. Unless IT is your forte and this is your role in the company, or if you are a specialist in a different area, you are costing yourself time that you could be investing in the things that you are an expert in. The same applies to the people that assist you in this area and essentially you are limiting business growth. Managed IT services is a great way to delegate everything digital to someone who is a professional in this matter so you can focus on things that you are good at.

2.  Get Proper Data Compliance

One of the biggest concerns with digital businesses and even those businesses that are transitioning from being physical businesses to being digital organizations is data security. Governments across the world realize this problem and are creating data compliance protocols for businesses to abide by that will protect both the business and the clients whose data they store. In order to get the right systems in place that will allow you to store data in accordance with these protocols will require an expert.

3.  Solid Security

Even with proper data compliance and the best data management software, the possibility of an attack cannot be completely sidelined. The IT professionals at Prototype IT suggest that if there is one thing you should invest money in, it is cybersecurity solutions. While there are several free options out there, you wouldn’t want to risk something as valuable as data on a free tool. Working with a security expert is something that will definitely benefit you at any stage.

4.  Recovery And Backups

The last thing you can do to create a secure environment for data is to have good recovery options and frequent backups. This is another one of those things in which you will benefit a lot by having a managed IT team  rather than doing it yourself. It is very possible to do it with free tools but it’s not worth the effort or the time when you need to develop more complicated solutions for a larger business.

5.  Latest Technology

While there is a lot of technology out there not all of it is relevant to you, in fact, only a small portion is probably useful for your business. It’s a lot easier to have an experienced IT expert to help you develop solutions rather than having to sift through all the options on your own. If you want to save time, hire an expert and get a competitive advantage over the competition.

6.  Expert Advice

There are going to be a lot of things that you are not an expert on when it comes to IT. A managed service provider can guide you in uncertain situations and tell you what will work and how you can make the most of certain services. Moreover, they will open up avenues that you didn’t even know existed because of their experience and knowledge. Having an expert on board is always going to be better than learning as you go.

 Though hiring an expert is a great option, you need to be careful in selecting the right team to work with. Not all managed IT services are the same and ideally you want to be working with someone who has experience in your industry and has worked with a similar business. You definitely don’t want your business to be their first project. Spend a little time in searching out the right service provider as this will be a relationship that will last several years if not the entire lifespan of the organization.