This is a neat idea if you are into reminders or have many to take care of on a weekly basis,we do have calender apps etc on our mobiles to help us along but this is neat and once more its social too and its called Cuckuu,the Social Alarm clock on Android and iOS..This is different than your typical alarm as you can create unique messages with images,pictures words or videos and you can earn points by beating snooze alarms.


Share alarms (cuckuus) with your buddies and make sure no one misses anything important;

– Add pictures and videos to your cuckuus;
– Comment and get pumped for upcoming events;
– Chat in real time;
– Beat your friends in this game of time – the faster you shut off alarms, the more points you win.
– Follow your idols’ next moves.


[ Download on Android]  [ Download on iOS ] [ Web ]

By Jim O Brien/CEO

CEO and expert in transport and Mobile tech. A fan 20 years, mobile consultant, Nokia Mobile expert, Former Nokia/Microsoft VIP,Multiple forum tech supporter with worldwide top ranking,Working in the background on mobile technology, Weekly radio show, Featured on the RTE consumer show, Cavan TV and on TRT WORLD. Award winning Technology reviewer and blogger. Security and logisitcs Professional.

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