Do not give CEX your Money this Christmas. #CEX #PS5 #XboxSeriesX

I have never liked CEX for a simple reason, they cash in and sell for extortionate prices on second hand goods and not only this being a retail outlet they are profiteering on the latest gadget this Christmas which is the PS5 and Xbox Series X. Recently this also caused an issue on local selling sites like Adverts and Done Deal who to be fair did get proactive on the topic and refused to take new advertising on the consoles and tool down any that managed to make it up. As we can see they want 875 and 750 euros respectively for the two new consoles below

Quite a few people emailed me today regarding this and to see what these bastards are doing it is nothing short on preying on families this Christmas. So don’t give them a penny and I wonder what the CCPC thinks about this as I have informed them and waiting on a response and will revert here once I hear from them.