Tech Review – Twinkly Squares Multicolour Edition

Twinkly Squares are small LED panels that light up to further connect your home. Composed of 64-pixel RGB LEDs, Squares are available in packs of 9 or 16 panels. Twinkly Squares is a revolutionary product that combines the power of an LED wall with the sophistication of interior design. The system can be connected to other Twinkly products, to create amazing environmental effects, from DJ set lighting to immersive gaming consoles.

Not only do these spruce up your home they have other features built in which is controlled via their app which we go through in great detail in the video review below but these are pretty cool and a nice addition to my home.

What is great with Twinkly squares is they are modular and it is not hard to set up it took me about ten minutes to set my pack up and again this can be arranged in any form you want, the more you have the better would be a good way to put it and you can customise the layout and what shows up on the well built panels, they are very robust and better than others I have seen and own as is here at home dotted around the house and often seen on one of my review tables.

Now setting up did have some issues and this must be set up over a 2.5ghz network I have both here and had to change my router settings you can get started with bluetooth then connect to the app, there was an update on my app to which possibly contributed to my set up you can see the images below, you have to map the squares to get set up fully and you can also connect to the squares Wi-Fi but it is best to use your home Wi-Fi.

After that it is basically fun and games on what you want to show on the squares which comes loaded with options in the app itself or you can pick from your phones gallery.

It is more on the expensive side however more is on offer via their app and the build quality alone is worth it, this could be an ideal present for someone for Christmas too and it is just a nice addition to you home regardless.

Revolutionary Twinkly Squares smart LED wall panels completely redefine decorative lighting. Whether you want pixel-perfect artwork and GIFs for your home or office space, cool ambience and mood lighting, reactive gaming lights, or a unique night light for kids, Squares is a must-have display screen and lighting decoration. Available in starter and extension kits, each Squares wall panel features 64 premium, app-controlled, addressable LEDs that were designed for extraordinary brightness and color quality in over 16 million colors. Physically combine each master panel with up to 15 extension panels, and use the Twinkly App to sync larger groups of Squares and create huge displays of virtually endless preset and customizable effects, animations, GIFs, and pixel art on your walls and ceilings.



Video review