Manufacturing technology has changed dramatically in the past few decades. From manufacturing robots to 3D printing, manufacturing is now faster and more affordable than ever before. This article will discuss how manufacturing technologies have changed business for the better and led to increased revenue opportunities for manufacturing companies of all sizes.

The benefits of manufacturing technology

Manufacturing technology has led to increased manufacturing efficiency and revenue opportunities for manufacturing companies of all sizes. According to a report by the International Federation of Robotics, the global robotics market will grow from $42 billion in 2015 to nearly $70 billion by 2020. With more robots on factory floors than ever before, the manufacturing output will be higher and less laborious over time.

Additionally, offshore manufacturing is often seen as one-way manufacturers that can cut costs without sacrificing quality or speed of production. However, this may not always be true with recent advancements in manufacturing technology. Increasingly sophisticated equipment combined with automation investments has resulted in better overall service and lower prices even when outsourcing jobs overseas. Offshoring can sometimes lead to expensive delays in manufacturing, quality issues, and a prolonged turnaround time.

At the same time, manufacturing technology has also led to an increase in retrofitting opportunities for manufacturing companies with older machinery that may not be up-to-date or efficient enough. With newer technologies being more affordable than ever before, it’s now easier to invest in new equipment without breaking the bank as much as it used to be. In this case, explore online sources. This is where you will be able to find burn tables for manufacturing in case you need them for your processes. Invest in this equipment should you need to address certain bottlenecks in your process.

Manufacturing systems automation is often used to increase productivity and efficiency in manufacturing environments. Automation has several different benefits that have been noted by companies such as increased production rates, less downtime due to machine failure, lower labor costs because you only need one operator per shift instead of multiple operators for the same amount of work, and improved quality control monitoring on the manufacturing floor. And with so much money being saved through these methods (about 50%), implementing this system should be at the top of your priority list. An automated manufacturing solution will typically save time and reduce errors in manufacturing processes across an entire plant or facility.

Manufacturing is changing dramatically because of advancements in manufacturing technology. If you are considering investing money into your current facilities or looking at other ways to grow your business through manufacturing investments, remember these benefits! If you need more assistance try vendor managed solutions

How to implement a new system

Implementing new manufacturing technologies often means changes are needed in many areas including business processes, human resources practices, plant equipment design and layout, training programs, and more. This change comes at some cost and often means changes are needed in many areas including business processes, human resources practices, plant equipment design and layout, training programs, and more.

Through careful planning of the transition to a new manufacturing technology system or process can improve profitability as well as productivity. The following steps will help you plan for success:


  • Conduct a needs analysis – gather data on what is happening now; identify opportunities for improvement with your current manufacturing process; assess how much risk (and reward) there may be if you were to implement a new manufacturing technology strategy. Conduct a manufacturing technology assessment that will identify the manufacturing processes, equipment, and systems that work well with the new system. 
  • Create an implementation team that has representatives from all parts of the organization involved in the project – management teams should include people who understand inventory

To implement a new system, manufacturing companies need to:


  • Implement a manufacturing technology plan or roadmap for updating existing manufacturing technologies so they align with changes in their production process.
  • Develop an implementation strategy using information from their manufacturing technology assessment and then finalize it by developing clear timelines, assigning responsibilities, and establishing budgets.


What are the best systems for your company?

The best systems for manufacturing companies depend on the manufacturing process. For example, a company that manufactures metal products uses machining to cut and shape parts in advance of assembly whereas a company manufacturing plastic or rubber products will use injection molding for production. It also depends on the manufacturing environment such as factory size, location, and whether they do outsourcing work offshore or domestically. The type of machinery that is best suited to each situation must be chosen carefully because not every system can handle all types of materials well enough for industrial applications.


Why it’s important to have a system in place 

It is important to have manufacturing technology in place so that manufacturing businesses can maximize their potential and grow revenue. The manufacturing industry is one of the largest industries in America, with a total value of $800 billion, and yet for many manufacturing companies, it seems like there are too few resources to manage all aspects of manufacturing while simultaneously pursuing growth.


The importance of training employees on the new process 

It is important to train employees on the new manufacturing process, which is a difficult task to undertake when they are used to an older system. This is because the old manufacturing process required a lot less training than the new systems. The main reason for this was that employees were able to learn how to do their job simply by doing it, whereas now they need extensive coaching and instruction before being allowed on a manufacturing line at all. 

It can be difficult finding people who are up-to-date with manufacturing technology so there’s not much point in hiring those without experience if you want them trained quickly enough! There will also be an increased cost of time needed per person as opposed to just throwing someone into the mix and expecting them automatically to know what needs to be done (although admittedly this might work out cheaper).



The benefits of manufacturing technology are apparent, but the implementation process is not always easy. It’s important to do your research and find a system that best suits your company’s needs. Make sure you train employees on how to use this new system so they can be prepared for future changes in the workplace. All these are geared towards maximizing the key benefits that innovative technology can bring to your manufacturing business.

By Jim O Brien/CEO

CEO and expert in transport and Mobile tech. A fan 20 years, mobile consultant, Nokia Mobile expert, Former Nokia/Microsoft VIP,Multiple forum tech supporter with worldwide top ranking,Working in the background on mobile technology, Weekly radio show, Featured on the RTE consumer show, Cavan TV and on TRT WORLD. Award winning Technology reviewer and blogger. Security and logisitcs Professional.

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