Card games are almost as old as humanity itself. With so many variations and options, it can be difficult to choose a game to play and impress your playmates. Whether your game of choice is Blackjack, Uno, or Dungeons and Dragons the devil is in the details! If you want to look like a pro and impress on your next game night, here are some quick details to help you take your game to the next level!

Take Out Your Cards

To start things off, let’s talk about the essentials: the deck. If you’re serious about your card games, you need to be serious about your deck. A deck of cards is like an extension of the player.  It should look professional, a little-used, and well kept. If you want to get serious about your card gaming, or if you want to impress your friends, think about investing in the real deal! Knock off and cheap playing cards are cute when you’re a beginner, but every professional player deserves their own original deck. If you don’t like the classic look, try a more personalized or stylized look that represents you best!

The Deck – Keep It in Check!

Once you’ve got the right deck, you need to turn your attention to how you can take care of it. There’s nothing worse than getting ready to play and realizing that your cards are damaged or dog-eared. To avoid any embarrassing situations, think about prioritizing the proper storage for your deck. Ditch the rubber bands, backpacks, and jacket pockets, and opt for an airtight tin, box, or container. Slightly used cards make you look like a pro, but you don’t want them looking distressed! 

Set the Stage – The Playmat!

If you’re a player of more elaborate card games, you’ll know what a playmat is. For those who don’t, a playmat is an accessory that players can use to play on and separate their cards and dice. For some, it can be as simple as a sheet of paper with some hand-drawn outlines. Which is fine and gets the job done, but where’s the fun in that? For more passionate players, the folks behind Your Playmat suggest having a playmat that’s a little more stylish, personal, and professional. With so many styles out there, you can find or create the perfect playmat to accommodate your game and your aesthetic. The right playmat can start your game off right!

The Players – Get the Gang Together

The second most important thing about card games, besides the deck, is the players. Sure, playing by yourself is great but card games were made to be played with friends or family. So find your crowd and get to playing! If you can’t find any gaming buddies in person or if you’re really passionate about a particular game, consider looking online. There are hundreds of online versions of your favorite card games to play from home. Not only that but you can find forums and chatrooms to connect with other players, learn about lore, and share tactics with.  

Know Your Craft 

The only thing more impressive than a person who knows their way around a card game is a person who knows their way around many card games. Nobody likes a spoilsport or a one-trick pony, so knowing more than one card game is a good idea. You can easily learn about any and every card game imaginable online. If you’ve ever wondered about just how many different games you can play with 52 cards, or you want to find a new obsession, start with some online research. Knowing more about a game can ensure that you have both more fun playing and the upper hand!

Teach an Old Dog New Tricks

Last but not least: Presentation! Everybody, whether they care to admit it or not, loves a good card flourish. Whether that’s knowing to shuffle cards in a cascading waterfall or a few card tricks, it’s always impressive. It’s also a great way to entertain onlookers, intimidate your fellow players, or learn a new skill! You don’t have to pull out all the stops and show your wild card immediately, but knowing how to shuffle cards at least is a good start. And remember, if you can’t win them over with your gaming skills, win them over with your tricks and charm!



Now that you’re all caught up, you’re ready to go out there and try your hand at a few games. Looking like a professional takes a lot of hard work and dedication, especially if you want to make playing at cards look effortless! We hope this list has given you an extra card up your sleeve and shown you that there’s more to playing cards than just the deck.

By Jim O Brien/CEO

CEO and expert in transport and Mobile tech. A fan 20 years, mobile consultant, Nokia Mobile expert, Former Nokia/Microsoft VIP,Multiple forum tech supporter with worldwide top ranking,Working in the background on mobile technology, Weekly radio show, Featured on the RTE consumer show, Cavan TV and on TRT WORLD. Award winning Technology reviewer and blogger. Security and logisitcs Professional.

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