On a daily basis, thousands of mobile applications are uploaded to Google play store & Apple app store. Every enterprise now required a mobile application as it has a lot of benefits. Nowadays we can find the application in health, education, food, real estate and almost it covers all the major sectors. But one thing is common in all the application, they all follows a similar development process. In this article, outlined is the development processes that mostly mobile App development companies follows.


What is your main purpose for developing a mobile application?  Till now the most successful application has only one mantra that is to resolve the real-life problem. So if you identify the problem, the next thing you can do is to think about why this problem exists. Talk to experts about your identified issue. Once you have a complete grasp the whole information. Now you can start evaluating how a mobile app can solve your identified problem. Then hire a team of developers who can work on your idea.


Wireframes are the sketch up & mock-up design of your application. A wireframe is build up with the teamwork of developers & designers. In this phase, team decide the UI/UX of application. Mostly animation, transition, user mapping content, and the text and the layout. As you know designing, plays a vital role in website and application. Most of the people judge you on the basis of your application UI & UX. In this phase, you will decide user experience and decide how to incorporate your brand image into the mobile app.

Choosing the right platform

Once the team decided the UI/UX, then the developers will recommend you the best mobile development platforms. The recommendation will play a significant role in the whole development process. However, if you want to make a successful application, you must choose quality work. Once the design and platform have been selected, then the mobile development company start their core task- coding.


Finished product testing

This is the last phase of developing a mobile app. The step is as much critical as the whole developing process. In this phase, the developers check the code, simulate various usage scenarios, clear out the bugs, test for vulnerabilities, security and privacy issues, compatibility with various devices, and functionality in various data networks (if the app requires an internet connection for using it).

How long does this entire process take?

This highly relies on the company you select to develop the app.  On an average, if you hire a professional developer, they can develop in a minimum of 300 hours of work to build a customised app which includes a high level of user interaction, graphics, and functionalities.

By Jim O Brien/CEO

CEO and expert in transport and Mobile tech. A fan 20 years, mobile consultant, Nokia Mobile expert, Former Nokia/Microsoft VIP,Multiple forum tech supporter with worldwide top ranking,Working in the background on mobile technology, Weekly radio show, Featured on the RTE consumer show, Cavan TV and on TRT WORLD. Award winning Technology reviewer and blogger. Security and logisitcs Professional.

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