We have a quite alot of weather apps to choose from today and most of them do the job and it would be hard to pick which is the best app although some like to think their judgement is gospel. There would be a handful you could perhaps say are the top ten app which is something I am not going into today. This app is however different when users can upload their weather reports from where they are and also submit images and share on social media too,This is a good idea and crowd sourced so there perhaps might be an element of trust here to legitimate reports but there is plenty of weather fans out there than can easily dictate reports and of course current apps can confirm too.. Also we have some communities here in Ireland which I actively participate in too as I have an interest in Weather.


Using EWOB you can report the weather right where you are and see what people in your surroundings are reporting. You can upload and see pictures and read descriptions of the weather at different places in Europe. With EWOB reports of a variety of weather situations and severe weather phenomena such as snow, rain, floods or damaging winds and displays them on a map. The app allows you to zoom into your region or see areas as large as Europe. The map can be animated, so that you can follow the evolution of the weather.



By monitoring the map, you can get an idea of how the weather near you is behaving and be aware early when severe weather approaches. By reporting, you are helping scientists who study severe weather and are giving valuable information to weather forecasters and severe weather warning services. Scientists will use the data to find out how they can best use data from meteorological satellites and radars to best predict severe weather. Weather observations by human beings are indispensable to develop relationships between what satellites and radars see and what kind of weather is actually happening on the ground.


Weather forecasters have to deal with the problem that satellites cannot see what happens under a storm cloud, radars do not scan close to the earth’s surface and that measurements from observation stations are far apart. EWOB helps them to be aware when a thunderstorm starts to produce wind damage, or when rain suddenly starts to freeze on the road: that is crucial information for issuing timely weather warnings.


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By Jim O Brien/CEO

CEO and expert in transport and Mobile tech. A fan 20 years, mobile consultant, Nokia Mobile expert, Former Nokia/Microsoft VIP,Multiple forum tech supporter with worldwide top ranking,Working in the background on mobile technology, Weekly radio show, Featured on the RTE consumer show, Cavan TV and on TRT WORLD. Award winning Technology reviewer and blogger. Security and logisitcs Professional.

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